To Ngoc Van , Tay Ho, Ha Noi - [Property ID: 92249]
This rental garden villa in Tay Ho district Hanoi has style and distinctive design unlike any other villa here. The reason why I can say that because normally with land area 250 sq.m and construction area of the house is 170sq.m, the owner of it can design 04 to 05 bedrooms for it. However the owner of the house just built only 02 spacious bedrooms, balconies, 02 bathrooms with bathtub with total 2.5 stories . Therefore this is actually ideal home for 01 couple or a family with children from 01 to 02 children.
Viewing outside, this villa’s design is very beautiful with green and open space, green colour of the trees and large yard surrounded it. Moreover, this house’s interior has the color and style ton sur ton what create a luxurious and great living space.
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To Ngoc Van , Tay Ho, Ha Noi
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